Sustaining families in Eretz Yisroel

Providing milk, eggs, Bread & Butter

Providing milk, eggs, Bread & Butter


Listed in alphabetical order


This is an endorsement of the Bread and Butter Campaign which was created by askanim, yirei Hashem. Their virtuous goal is to provide food and shine a light into the homes of Eretz Yisroel’dige families with many children who suffer from extenuating parnassah difficulties and cannot afford as much as a slice of bread to eat.
I am personally acquainted with these situations, and they are extremely disturbing. Esteemed avreichem in Eretz Yisroel have reached the pitiful situation where they don’t have what to eat.
Expenses keep on rising, and they find themselves in an impossible situation. There is no way for them to bring home food without turning to others for help. Their children cry for bread, and they have no choice but to resort to borrowing from others. Debts surround them like a yoke around the neck. The situation is pikuach nefesh. Poverty is a tremendous nisayon, especially for children.
Well-respected askanim stepped in to help, giving each family bread and basics according to how many children they have. This way, the household will not be devoid of at least this minimal amount of food.
It is obvious that this is a great mitzvah for every single member of bnei Yisroel to contribute to. We hope that the donors, rachmanim bnei rachmanim, will willfully step up to provide substantial help. They should lend a hand to the askanim who do their work with honesty. Whoever has rachmanus on people will be a beneficiary of rachmanus from Shamayim.
May the zechus of the mitzvah protect you and all of those who are supportive of the mitzvah. May you and your household be blessed with banei, chayei, mezonei, revuchei and taanug b’nachas b’kedusha from your children and grandchildren. May you be zoche to the brachah promised in the passuk: V’eftach lachem es aribos Ha’ Shamayim v’harikosi lachem bracha ad bli dei. (I will open the windows of Heaven and fill you up with blessings ‘till it will be enough).
May all the desires of your heart be fulfilled l’tovah.


I endorse the chessed organization, Bread & Butter, which was created by well-respected askanim, yirei Hashem. Their virtuous goal is to bring bread and shine a light into the homes of Eretz Yisroel’dige families with many children who have extenuating parnassah difficulties, and cannot afford as much as a slice of bread to eat.
I am personally acquainted with these situations, and it bothers me tremendously. Esteemed avreichem of Eretz Yisroel have reached a pitiful situation where they don’t have what to eat.
Expenses keep on rising, and they find themselves in an impossible situation. There is no way for them to bring home food without turning to others for help. Their children cry for bread, and they have no choice but to borrow from others. It has reached a point, though, where they can no longer do so.
Esteemed askanim have stepped in to give the families what they need; bread and food.
We hope that this letter will inspire our dear sponsors, rachmanim bnei rachmanim, to provide substantial aid and release our brethren from their privation by providing help to the chashuva askanim, whom I personally know, and are doing their work with utmost honesty. Whoever has rachmanus on people will be a beneficiary of rachmanus from Shamayim.
May the zechus of the mitzvah protect you and all of those who are supportive of this mitzvah. May you and your household be blessed with banei, chayei, mezonei, revuchei and taanug and nachas b’kedushah from your children and grandchildren. May you merit the to be rewarded with the brachah promised in the passuk: V’eftach lachem es aribos ha’Shamayim v’harikosi lachem bracha ad bli dei. (I will open the windows of Heaven and fill you up with blessings ‘till it will be enough).
May all the desires of your heart be fulfilled l’tovah.
We are signing because of the greatness of the mitzvah

Endorsement and Plea

This letter is meant to arouse acheinu bnei Yisroel from every locale to support the chessed organization, Bread & Butter. It was founded by respected askanim, and Harav Shlomo Chaim Weinberg shlita from Eretz Yisroel, Yerushalayim-may it be speedily rebuilt in our days-stands at its head.
The organization’s goal is to bring food to Eretz Yisroel’dige families that are blessed with many children bla”h and suffer from such extenuating parnassah difficulties that they cannot afford as much as a slice of bread. Bread & Butter brings light and joy into the homes of the families in a discreet, respectful manner.
Therefore, we are appealing to our brothers from every locale who run after tzedakah and chessed to join the above-mentioned organization’s circle of supporters by willingly contributing fitting and substantial support in a respectful manner.
Certainly our brothers, the kindhearted donors who run to do tzedakah and chessed, will help the above-mentioned organization with fitting support so that they can continue their work.
From Hakadosh Baruch Hu they will merit to see brachah v’hatzlacha upon all the desires of their heart l’tovah. May they be zoche to see the geulah and yeshuah of klal Yisroel with the coming of Moshiach.
This signature is out of respect for the mitzvah,
Beth Din Tzedek of the Orthodox Jewish Community.

This is an endorsement of the Bread and Butter Campaign which was created by askanim, yirei Hashem. Their virtuous goal is to provide food and shine a light into the homes of Eretz Yisroel’dige families with many children who suffer from extenuating parnassah difficulties and cannot afford as much as a slice of bread to eat.
I am personally acquainted with these situations, and they are extremely disturbing. Esteemed avreichem in Eretz Yisroel have reached the pitiful situation where they don’t have what to eat.
Expenses keep on rising, and they find themselves in an impossible situation. There is no way for them to bring home food without turning to others for help. Their children cry for bread, and they have no choice but to resort to borrowing from others. Debts surround them like a yoke around the neck. The situation is pikuach nefesh. Poverty is a tremendous nisayon, especially for children.
Well-respected askanim stepped in to help, giving each family bread and basics according to how many children they have. This way, the household will not be devoid of at least this minimal amount of food.
It is obvious that this is a great mitzvah for every single member of bnei Yisroel to contribute to. We hope that the donors, rachmanim bnei rachmanim, will willfully step up to provide substantial help. They should lend a hand to the askanim who do their work with honesty. Whoever has rachmanus on people will be a beneficiary of rachmanus from Shamayim.
May the zechus of the mitzvah protect you and all of those who are supportive of the mitzvah. May you and your household be blessed with banei, chayei, mezonei, revuchei and taanug b’nachas b’kedusha from your children and grandchildren. May you be zoche to the brachah promised in the passuk: V’eftach lachem es aribos Ha’ Shamayim v’harikosi lachem bracha ad bli dei. (I will open the windows of Heaven and fill you up with blessings ‘till it will be enough).
May all the desires of your heart be fulfilled l’tovah.


To the generous givers of the nation of Avraham
After inquiring into, and hearing reliable testimony, regarding the holy organization “Bread and Butter”, I would like to proclaim that it will be considered a great and important Mitzvah for all those who donate with a generous eye, a wide hand and a willing spirit. It is a great merit to listen to the cries of the needy and to give heart to the silent entreaties of families blessed with children. Their eyes are raised upward,looking for money with which to buy food to eat.
I hereby testify that the organization, which is run by the tzaddik Rav Yosef Mendel Hess,is doing great works to provide for those in need, both in Eretz Yisrael and outside it, with a monthly payment allowing them to meet theirminimum basic requirements.
And may all those that donate and support the organization be blessed with every type of good from heaven many times over.


A Holy Proclamation
I am coming to exalt and to express appreciation for the work of the great Chessed organization “Bread and Butter”, and to its organizers, Reb Shlomo Chaim Weinberg, who works without respite for the sake of the poor of Eretz Yisrael, and to Rav Yosef Fleischman who helps all who need it in America.
This organization “Bread and Butter” is like its name, giving out bread and other basic staples to hundreds of families in need, among them many tens of widows and hundreds of orphans. Only thanks to this blessed charity are they able to give bread to their small children on a daily basis.
This charity is given out in a special, respectful manner, with each family receiving cards each week with which to buy food in the stores affiliated with this organization. In this way, they can purchase throughout the week milk, eggs, bread and challah, sugar, coffee, and all other essentials.
I need to note that I know personally several of the families receiving help from this organization, and I can testify that without the help that they receive from this valuable organization, their young children would not have bread to eat.
Together with this, they give out large grants to needy families before every Chag, allowing they to celebrate the holidays in happiness and peace of mind.
To the heads of this organization, I say “Fortunate are you and fortunate is your lot in this holy work. May my portion be with you in this great Mitzvah.” There are no words that can truly describe the importance of your deeds.
And to our brothers, the rest of Bnei Yisreal, I make a holy appeal to you from the depths of my heart. It is a great merit to stand beside a holy organization like this, and I am sure that anyone who takes part in their work, in stretching out their hands to our brothers in this appropriate, honorable manner, will merit to be blessed from the one who is the source of all blessing with success, health, blessing, divine light, long life, pleasantness, and all good forever.
Rabbi Yitzchak David Grossman

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